Recent Graduates – Job Advisory

I was invited by the Local Inspector of Ijebu North East to deliver a talk to the 2019 Batch A Outgoing Corps Members at the Ijebu-Ode Local Government Hall on the 21st of February 2020.

The talk was titled, Job Advisory and Counselling Lecture, with a focus on life after youth service and youth unemployment in Nigeria.

These are my key takeaways:

  1. The first thing you should do is to make your one-page CV error-free, spell-checked, and presentable. See this post I wrote one time talking about how to respond to job applications in 2019, it is still valid till 2030. Learn how to sell yourself in 60 seconds or one glance on your CV, online and offline.
  2. My advice to you is to also optimize your social media profiles (have a good profile picture). I know they are called social networks, but you should know those prospective employers now look at your timelines to see what you post and how you engage with other people on your feed. They are looking to get a glimpse of your personality, see what makes you tick, and essentially what you spend your time on. Take time to update your LinkedIn profile as well. With the recently launched Facebook Jobs, do you still think FB is a social network?
  3. Be wary of those you follow on social media, I see a trend today where our people are very active on social media, not for productive purposes, but to be able to jump on any trend, or comment, that flies around in cyberspace, and these trends never stop, it is always one trend today or a few days, and another the next. Do yourself a favour by not getting into this bubble. Ensure that every second you spend on the internet adds some value to your life either by learning something new, networking or engaging constructively on topics that matter with other internet users.
  4. Learn Basic Digital Skill: this is undisputed today, regardless of the field of work you find yourself today or the path of learning you want to take, you cannot survive without knowing and knowing well basic computer concepts, like how to use cloud storage, Microsoft office tools, some google products, email communications, social media, and perhaps also, basic programming if it interests you.
  5. I know a lot of you would also be interested in entrepreneurship and it is not uncommon for people to say “I want to work for myself“. I hope for your sake you are prepared. Being an entrepreneur means you have to be skilled at your job, it is still a job, if you seek to scale, be prepared to learn the duties of bookkeepers, management, HR, and lawyers too (you need to understand Nigerian business laws, tax laws and how it concerns you) and be prepared to work round the clock to make your business succeed. Click here for a link to the Free Entrepreneurship course that may guide you in this journey.
  6. Learn how to write reports and document your stories, selling any product or service today requires the art of telling a good and captivating story to your audience. I also wrote a guide one time about how blogging can be used for empowerment, click here to read this.
  7. Learn to work with your own time, do not work with the time of others. There is time for everything and everyone. Each and everyone here has a different race to run and a purpose to fulfill on earth. Do not jeopardize your life with dishonesty or greediness. Be contented with what life has blessed you with and strive to be a better human every day.
  8. My last advice today is ATTITUDE & MINDSET, yes I am shouting here. The world is constantly evolving and it may interest you to know that you may be the best-skilled person in the room but your attitude and mindset is what will stand you out from the crowd & make people want to work with you! We are increasingly getting to the stage where employers and business partners are not interested in your polished resume. They want to see what you can do, how you work in teams, how you communicate, your attitude towards your job, and how you treat your co-workers.

Hope this helps someone out there! If this helps you – feel free to leave a comment, feedback, or question and I will be more than happy to respond.

I will be offering CV Reviews for less than $3 till December 2025.

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What are Computers?

What are computers right? You may be thinking, isn’t this question a little strange to ask in this century, I mean doesn’t everyone know what a computer is?

My answer to that is NO, asking what computers are isn’t strange at all. Some people press computers already but they may not know fully what they have on their hands or how it can help them on their journey to success.

The thing is almost all of us use computers daily, i mean you are reading this from a computer, aren’t you? However how could we actually define “Computer”? Basically, a computer is an electronic device that manipulates data, stores them, retrieves them and possibly also creates new fresh data.

You know what ‘Data in a computer’ is right? Generally, data is a label for all information processed by a computer such as, but not limited to documents, videos, music or photos.

There is a lot that a computer can do and thanks to that, computers nowadays are by far the most used device for work with digital data.

When talking about computers one might think only of PC (personal computers) however by definition computers are all electronic devices performing any calculations, communications or transactions. For that reason a phone, tablet, various wearable devices, televisions or game consoles are also considered computers.

what are computers?
So how can you use computer technologies today? Find out here..

Yet still a computer that is sitting on our table in the office is most likely what comes to our mind when the word computer is mentioned. Isn’t it?

What are your thoughts on computers? Which do you use in your daily life? How do you use them? What do you think constitutes for data on your computers? Share with me, I want to read from you.

Got any questions? Drop a comment or send me a message.

Ransomware: Protect Yourself

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of Malware transmitted via emails, broadcasts or online links through compromised websites and social networking sites.

The last Ransomware attack took place a week ago and the impact was felt in over 150 countries.

Sighsss..Now that is a lot, don’t you think?

How do i get attacked?


Cybercriminals design software that infiltrates your computer on the inside, lock up or encrypt your important documents and data, and then they proceed to threaten you that the data will be destroyed or made inaccessible if you do not pay a ransom after a period set by them.

How do i protect my important files and computers from Ransomware?

  • Always, always, always make sure your software is updated; yes even your Smartphones too.
  • DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT Click on suspicious links mostly offering irresistible freebies and Pop-Ups.
  • Always check the sender details of incoming emails to see if it is a legitimate address, and in cases where a friend’s email has been hacked and is being used to mail you, be extra vigilant. Call them or tweet at your friend if you are not sure they sent the right mail.
  • Be extra vigilant when opening attachments that you are not expecting and those that seem illegitimate. Confirm from sender by phone or tweet if you are not sure.
  • Obvious typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors, especially from emails allegedly coming from your bank or internet service providers, should be treated with suspicion.
  • Stay away from pop-ups on web pages, even if they advertise products that state to remove or protect your device from malware. Do not click those links.

Be Extra Vigilante: Do not be a VICTIM of this Scary Evil! For questions or clarifications, drop me a comment or contact me here.

P.S – Featured image courtesy AVG

Microsoft Know It Prove It Challenge

Hi Friends,

Are you a student? data pros? developer? IT manager?

Or you are simply interested in knowing more about IT generally?

Can you easily pick up valuable skills quickly through video tutorials, assessments, and more?

Accept the ‘Know it’ – ‘Prove it’ challenge, earn unique badges, and display them proudly from the Microsoft Virtual Academy, an organization of technological masterminds who use their skills for good.

The challenges run from April 18 through May 17, 2017.

Join the Agency now!

P.S – Featured image courtesy CTU Training Solutions

Podcasting is a New Favourite

So you want to be a podcaster?

Don’t worry, we got you covered. 

First, Grab this FREE Course from Dayo Samuel, Founder, The Nigerian Podcast Network

Perhaps you are also searching for the perfect platform to run your Podcast? I am here to tell you to choose WordPress! Why?

  1. Ease of Use and affordability
  2. Freedom and Control
  3. Plugins for nearly everything
  4. Great theme design
  5. Search engine optimization
  6. Great support and community
  7. Great foundation for any kind of website😉

Seriously though, WordPress can be anything you want it to be.

Guess what, we have a WordPress community live in Nigeria and we hold regular meetups, we are currently in Lagos, Ile-Ife and Ibadan.  Attendance is mostly FREE of charge, just bring yourself, your WordPress questions, confusions and problems. 

And Yes: Our Meetups are fully backed by the WordPress Foundation. 

Just because i appreciate you a 100% and i love WordPress, i am offering you a  FREE WORDPRESS BLOG SETUP right here. 

Not to forget, we offer FREE WORDPRESS BLOG SETUP right here. Click here to grab your spot

Read more: Audacity to Podcast, WordPress Beginner

Featured image Courtesy Fresh Tech Tips

Jobs in Social Media

Social Media JOBS – What about it??

Learning how to use social media is a walk in the park for those who decide to know how, it can be a little bit confusing but as someone said the other day on twitter, two platforms well executed is better than 5 poorly executed platforms.

Mobile Apps and social networks keep popping up everyday and it is easy to get confused, but you see the truth is businesses and individuals may not be able to manage all their online presence by themselves and this is where you come in.

You already know how well to use social media isn’t it, even if you don’t, like i said earlier, learning how to is a walk in the park if you decide to learn.

Hence, these are jobs you might want to consider doing part-time, and who knows, maybe tomorrow you will become better and earn more money from it, making it into a full time job or business for you.

  • Bloggers – would always be needed
  • Internet Marketing Director
  • Digital Strategist
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Online Community Manager
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Online Marketing Specialist
  • Digital Media Specialist
  • Internet Marketing Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Manager, Digital and Social Media
  • Director of Community
  • Content Manager
  • Social Media Producer
  • Director, Social Marketing and Brand Communications
  • Content Strategist
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Social Media Marketing Coordinator
  • Director of Social Media
  • Digital Media Producer
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Analytics Manager
  • Client Engagement Manager
  • Multi-Media Communications Specialist
  • Social Media Advocate
  • Brand Ambassador
  • Head of Search Marketing
  • New Media Coordinator
  • Social Media Analyst
  • Brand Champion
  • Head of Social Interactions
  • Search and Social Media Optimiser
  • Social Media Monitor
  • Social Media Manager
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Social Media Analyst
  • Social Media Planners

Any of this sound interesting enough for you but you don’t know how to begin? Drop a comment below.

If you have not gone through my FREE ICT guide, download here now, or my last post on online job titles for 2017, click here to explore that, they make for a very interesting discovery.

Please note that when i say social media, i don’t mean you should go ahead trying to specialize in being good at managing all available platforms, you will do best to pick one platform (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, WordPress, Blogger, Wix, Weebly, Snapchat, etc) and focus yourself into being best at managing that.

Still wondering how to fit in, click here to send me a direct message right away and lets get you started!

Read more: Forbes, CIO, Social Media Today.

Featured image courtesy Liberate Media

Legit Work From Home Jobs

You have not heard? Tech is where it’s happening. I give you LEGIT work from home jobs..tada..!

It has been predicted that by the year 2020, there will be over one and a half million open jobs in the tech/ICT sector, WOW, that’s a huge number yeah! Tech skills are 20 of the top 25 most sought after skills by employers on Linkedin, yes that is right. Stay with me, that’s not all, all 10 of the fastest growing keywords in job listings Indeed are tech related. All of them!

If you are new to tech, or you just started learning some incredibly powerful skills, you still might not be sure what kind of job in tech you can actually GET.

Take out your Pen and get ready to Jot down your interests…

First i am going to give you the top 5 opportunities listed by John Obidi today on the SmartBCamp TeleSeminar, if you have not been listening in on past episodes, you have missed, but not anymore, make it a date to always listen in: Click here to bookmark the link or just download the app on your smartphone by searching for smartBcamp. So here is John’s List for 2017:

  1. Teaching on third party websitesSkillshare is an example, click here to sign up.
  2. Live Streaming – Offer professional services to needy customers using OBS
  3. Web Solution Consultancy – Every business is online, some have needs more than blogs or websites, some need extra functionality like email lists, forums, portals, social network, Learning management system, etc.
  4. Online Marketing Consultant, AKA social media strategist or manager – Learn and implement automated emailing lists, marketing funnels, landing pages, Facebook Messenger Bot as your autoresponder and lots more. Just because John is Super Cool, he is going to be teaching you live on his Facebook group how to become an AUTHORITY in implementing Facebook MESSENGER BOT, 9PM SATURDAY, 15th of this month, April 2017. I would plan to attend if i were you. Click here to Join his Group.
  5. Mobile App Development
  6. Blogging Click here to learn more about blogging

Now that you got that, let surf through the long list of job titles i have. Take out your pen and get ready to jot down your interests, afterwards, feel free to contact me if you need a guide or just drop a comment below, i will walk you through your needs, at no charge to you of course, just mention this article and you are good to go.

20 Most Common Work-from-Home Job Titles

  • Sale Representative
  • Adjunct Faculty
  • Medical Coder/Remote Coder
  • Business Development Director
  • Project Manager/Program Manager
  • Software Developer
  • Account Manager/Account Executive
  • Consultant
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Editor/Blogger/Writer
  • Territory Sales Manager
  • Case Manager
  • Insurance Adjuster
  • Clinical Research Associate
  • Interpreter/Bilingual Interpreter
  • Clinical Trial Manager
  • Coding Auditor/Reviewer
  • Fundraising/Development Director
  • Analyst

Ever tried getting work on a freelancing site? These are some job categories you can find on

  • Blogging
  • Academic Writing & Research
  • Article & Blog Writing
  • Copy-writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Grant Writing
  • Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Technical Writing
  • Web Content
  • Other – Writing

Related careers in Information & Communication Technology

  • Analyst Programmers
  • Chief Information Officers
  • Communications Trade Workers
  • Computer Network Professionals
  • Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security
  • ICT Business and Systems Analysts
  • ICT Managers
  • ICT Sales Assistants
  • ICT Sales Professionals
  • ICT Support Technicians
  • ICT Support and Test Engineers
  • ICT Trainers
  • Library Technicians
  • Managers (ICT)
  • Media Equipment Operators
  • Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers
  • Network Professionals (ICT)
  • Programmers
  • Sales Assistants (ICT)
  • Sales Professionals (ICT)
  • Security Specialists (ICT)
  • Software and Application Programmers
  • Systems Administrators
  • Systems Analysts (ICT)
  • Technical Sales Representatives
  • Technicians (Gallery, Library and Museum)
  • Technicians (ICT Support)
  • Telecommunications Technical Specialists
  • Telecommunications Trades Workers
  • Telemarketers
  • Telephone Operators
  • Test Analysts (ICT)
  • Trainers (ICT)
  • Web Developers

Wheeeeeeeeew, what a long list eh!

Got questions, suggestions, observations, drop it in the comment section below.

Let us discuss your interests…!

Read More: Skill Crush

Featured Image Courtesy: Single Moms Income

How can i use Technology?

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” header_font=”Cherry Cream Soda||||” text_font=”Cantata One||||” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ header_font_size=”28px” text_font_size=”15″]

Ask Mary Job right now..

Hmmm, great question. Ever wondered out loud ‘how can i use technology? Let us see some areas in which technology is used?

  • Use of technology in business

I would rather pay with POS than pay with cash, if i had my way, i would pay for bottle water of 50naira, that is about 10cents, with a POS machine..Hahahaha.

  • The Use of technology in agriculture

The last and first time i reared chickens, i got all my tips online than from the VET doctor who was hardly ever available and kept promising to send someone over to come vaccinate my birds, but never showed. I want to clear a farmland soon, and i am surely using a tractor.

  • Use of technology in banking

Let us just say i use this 1000%

  • Use of technology to control and harness natural forces

My smartphone alerts me when Rain is coming, or when the Sun temperature is unhealthy on my skin, so yea i use technology here too.

  • Use of technology in transportation

Who else buys flight tickets online? bus tickets? etc.

Tell me, how do you use technology? Or in what area of your life do you need to use technology but do not know how? Am listening…

Featured image courtesy @Nicholbradford
